Sabtu, 30 April 2011

quote of the day

you prepare anything that you'll look great in front of the people. but you missed one thing. its your heart.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Fantasi World (DUFAN)

hey Dufan happy to meet you... Here we go DUFAN..............

ready to go with HYSTERIA............... i love hysteria

dufan's view...

puppets center like a fairly tale and hey so many puppets in here. and we able around the world with your puppets :)

and photografer of the day...... Didi and Gemmy :D

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Ice Skating

The sweetest toilet ever haha...........

                         unbranded top, green shall, LM for Hardware legging, disel bag, boots

my friends have been planed for wenesday. we're going to Taman Anggrek Mall for playing ice skate. i cant play ice skating. but i think i should try. and I CANT !

We were going to home. looking for Rayyan's car because we're forget the parking place. up and down in the lift.